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The Essential Buyer's Guide to Visitor Management Systems

September 3, 2024

In today's security-conscious and efficiency-driven business environment, robust visitor management systems (VMS) have transcended beyond mere luxuries and become vital tools for anyone overseeing the operations of any facility. As a touchstone for modern security and visitor experience, the right VMS is key to ensuring smooth entrance procedures, abiding by compliance requirements, and providing important insights through data analytics.

For facility managers and operational teams, choosing the right VMS can be overwhelming, especially when critical business operations and security are at stake. In this buyer's guide, we'll demystify the critical components that make a VMS invaluable, helping you discern what you need, why you need it and how to ask providers the right questions. Whether you're just beginning to consider a VMS or are mid-way through the evaluation process, this post will offer clarity and direction for decision-making.

What You Need to Know Before Beginning Your Visitor Management System Search

The first step in choosing the right VMS is understanding exactly what it is so you know what you’re looking for. A visitor management system (VMS) is a digital solution that automates the process of welcoming and tracking visitors in a given facility.

Typically, a VMS involves the use of software and hardware to streamline the visitor registration, check-in, and check-out process. It provides an efficient and secure way of registering visitors, issuing visitor badges, and managing visitor activity. A well-implemented VMS can help organizations improve security and safety, enhance operational traefficiency, and ensure compliance with internal and legal mandates.

Cloud-based VMS: The New Standard for Flexibility

While both cloud-based and on-premise solutions exist, cloud-based visitor management solutions offers several advantages for most organizations:

  • Scalability and cost-efficiency: Cloud-based solutions are more cost-effective and can easily grow with your business without incurring significant fees or delays.
  • Automatic updates and easy integrations: Cloud solutions offer seamless updates and integrations with other platforms, unlike on-premise solutions that require manual installations and custom development.
  • Enhanced security: Cloud service providers typically include robust security measures and push regular security updates, reducing the burden on internal IT resources.

A cloud-based VMS is a web-based solution that allows users to access the system from anywhere with an internet connection. Cloud-based VMSs offer several benefits, including scalability, cost-effectiveness, and easy access. These are particularly beneficial for organizations with multiple facilities or locations, as they enable head offices to obtain a bird's eye view of all the facilities without the need to physically visit each location.

By opting for a cloud-based VMS, you’re investing in scalability. These systems offload the burden of hosting and maintaining data while offering adaptability and remote access. Not to mention, you're part of a rapid deployment - cycle, which can be greatly advantageous in staying ahead with the latest security protocols.

The Cost of a Visitor Management System: More Than Just the $ Sign

When considering a VMS, it's imperative to understand the diverse pricing models available.  Pricing can range significantly based on features, scalability, and support levels, starting around $100 and going as high as hundreds of dollars per month. Typically, you'll encounter subscription-based models, which offer ongoing updates and support, or one-time license fees, the latter of which might seem cost-effective initially, but could lack long-term value due to additional costs for updates and customization.

Factor in your organization's structure — Do you operate across multiple sites or just one? Assess whether the VMS cost aligns with your budgetary needs and gain an understanding of its present and future cost implications.

The rationale for a higher price tag often lies in the comprehensive solutions these systems provide. Does the system offer robust features and flexibility to tailor it to specific business needs? Does it ensure scalability to accommodate future growth? This adaptability is crucial for enterprises operating across multiple sites or those experiencing rapid growth.

Contract Length and Flexibility

Opting for a multi-year VMS contract presents a strategic advantage, offering not only cost-efficiency with more attractive rates but also stability in your operations. While short-term contracts highlight agility, long-term agreements ensure you're investing in a solution that supports your company's growth and aligns with long-term goals. They foster a partnership that can adapt to technological advancements, ensuring your system evolves with your company's needs.

Features to Look For in a Visitor Management System

The distinguishing features of a quality VMS are what give it its operating edge. As you explore the market, you’ll want to keep an eye out for these attributes:

Visitor Pre-registration and Self-check-in

Pre-registration allows visitors to enter their information ahead of time, making the check-in process much quicker and smoother. This feature is particularly beneficial for high-security environments and organizations with strict compliance requirements. By collecting visitor information in advance, companies can perform necessary background checks and ensure all required documentation is in place before the visitor arrives.

Self-check-in kiosks are also an important component of modern visitor management systems. These kiosks allow visitors to check in quickly and efficiently without the need for manual assistance. The kiosks can be customized to include features such as photo capture, document scanning, and NDA agreement signing. This not only saves time but also ensures that every visitor is properly identified, screened, and accounted for.

Badge Printing and Customization

Visitor badge systems are crucial for security, enabling employees to identify visitors and distinguish them from staff. These badges can make visitors feel welcome and are at times mandatory in high-security environments or to meet compliance requirements.

These systems should also have the capability to distinguish between different guest types and access levels and visually identify guests with printed photo badges and color-code badges based on the reason for their presence on-site, which is a requirement for some compliance standards.

Real-Time Monitoring and Reporting

Real-time monitoring of visitor traffic and behavior provides valuable insights into how a business is running. This information can be used to optimize operations, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions. Visitor management systems should offer the capability to view and splice data according to business needs, such as accessing visitor logs, compliance reports, or emergency evacuation lists.

Customizable Workflows

An enterprise-grade visitor management system should also offer customizable workflows, allowing businesses to tailor their visitor management processes to specific business rules and needs. This ensures compliance with internal policies and allows for flexibility in handling different scenarios. For example, these scenarios could include:

  • Contractors: Customize workflows to include safety briefings, document signings, or specific access permissions.
  • Recurring guests: Create expedited check-in processes while maintaining security protocols.
  • Delivery personnel: Set up quick check-in procedures with limited access permissions.
  • Job applicants: Include additional steps such as NDA signings or preliminary screenings.

Multi-Location Management

Multi-location visitor management allows for centralized management of visitor data and processes across multiple sites from a single dashboard. This feature streamlines operations, ensures uniform security policies and simplifies administration for businesses with multiple sites. Additionally, it provides valuable insights into visitor behavior across different locations, which can be used to optimize operations, improve the visitor experience, and make data-driven decisions.

Centralized Dashboard

A centralized dashboard is a critical feature of any visitor management system. It provides facility managers with a unified interface for comprehensive visitor management across multiple locations. With a centralized dashboard, facility managers can:

  • Access and manage visitor data from all sites in one place
  • Generate organization-wide reports for compliance and auditing purposes
  • Identify trends and patterns in visitor traffic to optimize resources and staffing

Host Notifications

Automated notifications via SMS, email, or app notifications to hosts are essential features of a visitor management system. These notifications enhance visibility for hosts while improving the visitor experience. By keeping hosts informed about their visitors' arrival, it allows them to:

  • Prepare for meetings in advance, ensuring a more productive session
  • Greet visitors promptly, reducing wait times and enhancing the professional image of the organization
  • Coordinate any necessary resources or access permissions, streamlining the visitor's on-site experience

Recurring Visitors

Managing recurring visitors is crucial for facility managers dealing with contractors, frequent partners, or other regular guests. This feature offers several benefits:

  • Simplified check-in: Recurring visitors can use expedited processes, reducing administrative burden and wait times.
  • Personalized experiences: The system can remember requirements for recurring visitors.
  • Enhanced security: By maintaining detailed records of recurring visitors, including their visit history and access patterns, security teams can more easily identify any unusual behavior.

Visitor NDAs, Document Display, & Induction

Visitor NDAs, document display, and induction functionality allow businesses to present, collect signatures on NDAs, display safety documents, or conduct visitor inductions digitally. These features streamline legal compliance and ensure that all visitors are properly informed while eliminating the need for physical paperwork.

Plus, when using pre-registration, important safety documents can be provided to visitors before they arrive.

Visitor Watchlists & Denied Parties

Visitor watchlists and denied parties screening capabilities are essential features for enhancing facility security by preventing unauthorized or risky individuals from gaining access. With this feature, businesses can screen visitors against watchlists or lists of denied parties for security purposes. This prevents individuals who pose a security risk or have been banned from the facility from gaining access. This feature provides an additional layer of security and ensures compliance with regulations.

Photo Capture & ID-Scanning

Photo capture and visitor ID-scanning features are essential components of any modern visitor management system. These features enable accurate identity verification, ensure compliance with regulations, and improve security by preventing unauthorized access.

With photo capture, visitors' pictures are taken, which can be used for future identification purposes. This feature is particularly useful for high-security areas where accurate identification is crucial.

ID-scanning allows for quick and efficient identity verification, improving the check-in process and reducing wait times. Additionally, it allows for automatic record-keeping, ensuring accurate tracking of visitor activity within the facility.

Emergency Alerts

In emergency situations, quick and efficient communication is critical. A visitor management system with emergency alert capabilities allows for the fast dissemination of important information and instructions to visitors and staff.

This feature provides an additional layer of security, ensuring that everyone is aware of the situation and can take appropriate action. It also enables businesses to comply with regulations and standards related to emergency preparedness.

Omni-Channel Access

Omni-channel access in a visitor management system offers flexibility and convenience to both staff and visitors:

For staff and system users:

  • Access the VMS through mobile apps, web portals, and administrative dashboards
  • Manage visitor data and monitor activity from a single interface, regardless of the check-in method used
  • Receive real-time notifications and updates across multiple channels

For visitors:

  • Use self-service kiosks for efficient on-site check-in
  • Receive pre-visit information and notifications via SMS or email
  • Option for contactless check-in through QR codes or mobile web interfaces

This multi-channel approach ensures that both staff and visitors can interact with the system in the most convenient and efficient manner possible.


A turnkey visitor management system offers a complete solution that is ready to use without the need for extensive customization or setup. All hardware and software come pre-configured to the business's specifications providing businesses with a hassle-free and cost-effective solution, saving time and resources.

With a turnkey solution, businesses can quickly implement a visitor management system without the need for extensive IT support. This feature ensures that businesses can start using the system immediately without any delay or disruption to operations.

Key Questions to Ask VMS Providers

Don't shy away from asking important questions. Here are some valuable questions to have on hand when talking to VMS vendors:

Technical and Functional Questions

  • Customization for Policies: Can the VMS adapt to your industry's unique and often stringent visitor policies and procedures?
  • Handling Peak Times: How does the system manage large numbers of visitors during peak times without compromising speed and security?
  • Service Uptime: What measures are in place to guarantee system uptime, particularly for cloud-based VMS?

Security and Compliance Questions

  • Data Protection: How does your VMS ensure compliance with data privacy laws like GDPR, CCPA, or others?
  • Cybersecurity Measures: What protocols safeguard against data breaches and unauthorized access?
  • Integration Capability: Can the VMS entwine with your existing security infrastructure, like access control and surveillance systems, seamlessly?

Operational and Efficiency Questions 

  • Emergency Response Facilitation: How does the VMS aid in emergency drills, procedures, and rapid evacuation if needed?
  • Reporting and Analytics: Can the VMS provide detailed reports and analytics crucial for strategic decisions, not just operational tasks?
  • Visitor Experience: In what ways is repeat visitor headway made smoother, and what about the high-value attendees or VIPs?

Support, Training, and After-Sales Services Questions

  • Customer Support Speed: What is the norm for response time for customer inquiries, and through what channels can help be reached?
  • Training: Is VMS training part of the package? How comprehensive is their training program?
  • Update Cycles: How frequent are updates, and what's the protocol for seamless implementation to avoid operational disruption?

The Benefits of a Visitor Management System

Not only does a strong visitor management system enhance security and safety, but it can also streamline visitor registration and check-in processes, improve efficiency and productivity, and act as a reputation booster for your organization. Let's dive a little deeper into each of these benefits.

Enhanced Security and Safety

One of the most significant advantages of a VMS is the enhanced security and safety it provides. By automating the visitor registration process and creating a digital record of all visitors, a VMS eliminates the need for paper visitor logs, which can easily be lost, damaged, or tampered with. With a VMS, you can also ensure compliance with legal mandates and requirements, such as keeping track of who's on your premises at all times.

A VMS also offers a range of key features and functionalities that further contribute to a secure environment like conducting checks against watch and deny lists and issuing visitor badges that clearly distinguish visitors from employees.

Streamlined Visitor Registration and Check-in Process

A VMS can significantly improve the visitor registration and check-in process by automating it entirely. Visitors can pre-register before they arrive, and the system can automatically send them a confirmation email with instructions on how to check-in.

Once on-site, visitors can quickly check in using a self-service kiosk, which verifies their identity and prints out a badge. This process eliminates the need for a receptionist to manually verify visitors' identities, saving time and reducing the risk of human error.

Improved Efficiency and Productivity

Another notable benefit of a VMS is the time-saving benefits it provides. With automated registration and check-in processes, employees can spend less time managing visitors and more time focusing on other critical tasks. Additionally, many VMSs can integrate with other systems, such as watchlists or access control systems, to provide seamless operations. For example, when a visitor checks in, the VMS can automatically grant them access to certain areas of the building, reducing the need for employees to intervene.

Reputation Booster

Finally, a VMS can act as a reputation booster for your organization. By providing a seamless and secure visitor experience, you demonstrate your commitment to safety and efficiency. Visitors are more likely to have a positive impression of your organization when they have a smooth and hassle-free experience. Additionally, a VMS can assist in maintaining compliance not just with legal mandates but also with audit and regulatory requirements, further bolstering your reputation as a responsible and trustworthy organization.

Ready for a visitor management solution that ticks all of the above boxes?

Learn more about VisitorOS here or schedule a demo today to experience the power of iLobby and its facility management modules firsthand.

Achilles Katsuras

Achilles is an experienced Sales Executive at iLobby. With his deep understanding of iLobby's offerings, Achilles guides clients in implementing cutting-edge facility management systems that improve operational efficiency and risk mitigation. Outside of work, Achilles is passionate about sports — whether he's watching from the sidelines or actively participating on the field.

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